Affiliated University - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik (MUHS)
The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences with jurisdiction over the whole of the State of Maharashtra is established and incorporated on 3rd June 1998 for the purposes of ensuring proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training and research in modern medicine and Indian Systems of Medicine in the State of Maharashtra, and to have balanced growth in the medical sciences so also an uniformity in various courses in medical faculty in the State. Head Office is located at Vani-Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Hon’ble Shri. C. P. Radhakrishnan
Chancellor, Governor of Maharashtra

Hon'ble Shri. Hasan Mushrif
Pro-Chancellor, Minister of Medical Education

Lt Gen Madhuri Kanitkar (Retd)

Prof Dr. Milind Nikumbh
Pro Vice-Chancellor

Dr. Rajendra Bangal
Recognition Details
Our institute has started the Post- Graduate degree courses (MD/MS) in ten departments viz Rognidan & Vikriti Vigyan, Rasashastra & Bhaishjya Kalpana, Shalyatantra (Samanya), Dravyaguna, kayachikitsa, shalakya Tantra, Prasutitantra-Streerog, Kaumarbhritya-balrog, samhita, Shalya Tantra (Kshar karam avum Anushatra Karma) These course are permitted by following Authorities.
- Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi
- Permission by :- Central Council of indian Medicine, New Delhi
- Permission by :- Government of Maharashtra
- Affiliated to :- Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik